Solutions for obtaining and refinancing debt for your company

Our Debt and Financial Restructuring advisory services are tailored to the size and needs of your company. We have an expert team of financial advisors and lawyers, with extensive experience in obtaining middle-market debt in various sectors. We offer you an integral management of transactions, which incorporates the design and execution of tailor-made financial structures, adjusted to your needs. We offer you our in-depth knowledge of the debt markets and our close relationships with key players in the market. These solid professional relationships allow us to find the right and most reliable financial partners for your company's future.

Main credentials 2022

Our services

Adaptamos nuestros servicios a las necesidades de tu compañía. Contarás con profesionales de primer nivel en el ámbito de la deuda y las reestructuraciones. Te ayudamos mediante:

We can help you finance your business projects by maximizing financing opportunities as part of a streamlined and efficient process.

  • Assessment of your company's financial health and understanding of your specific financing needs.
  • Evaluation of your financing options and selection of the best one.
  • Preparation of a detailed and descriptive Information Memorandum about your company and its links to the relevant financing parties.
  • Negotiation of financing proposals and coordination with your management team until finalization.
  • Legal-financial advice throughout the entire transaction process until closing.
  • Combined approach for a comprehensive advice that meets the requirements in each phase of the transaction.

We offer you our independent opinion on the viability of your company to regain the confidence of the financing parties. The scope of the IBR includes:

  • A clear diagnosis of your company's financial performance in recent years.
  • Your company's strategic fit with key trends in the industry and the economic environment in general.
  • An analysis of your company's business plan, as well as your short, medium and long-term cash flow needs.
  • A review of existing collateral, actual values and available financing options.

We help you fully manage the cash flows of your business, optimizing your working capital cycle and establishing a culture of cash protection throughout the organization. We can do this by:

  • Preparing short, medium and long-term cash flow forecasts to identify cash requirements.
  • Reviewing the adequacy of short-term financing with the growth needs of the business.
  • Development of specific action plans to increase your company's cash generation capacity: savings measures, review of payment and collection policies, internal banking, structuring of intercompany operations, etc.
  • Close monitoring of your company's cash situation and control of possible deviations.
Debt products
Corporate debt, Leveraged debt, Restructuring and refinancing, Real estate, Special situations
Services / transactions
Financing/refinancing (Growth and working capital, Dividend recapitalization, Stressed refinancing), Restructuring, Sustainable financing, Cash management.
Private Equity, Middle-Market, Banks, Alternative Direct Lending Funds, Members of Grant Thornton International
    Get in touch
    Carlos Asensio
    Financial Advisory Partner - Debt Advisory & Restructuring
    Carlos Asensio
    Financial Advisory Partner - Debt Advisory & Restructuring
    Carlos Asensio

    Discover our main credentials

    We have solid experience in refinancing solutions. We advise you on any type of corporate transactions.

    Discover our latest transactions

    Are you looking for financing or do you need to restructure your company's debt?

    We offer customized solutions to help your company define the best financial strategy. We provide you with comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term advice, with the objective of helping you to grow from an efficient capital management.

    Contact our team

    Our added value
    Our added value

    Our added value

    Relationships with lenders (banks, alternative direct lenders)
    We have expert professionals with extensive experience in the financial field
    We have a proven track record in transactions and extensive expertise in different debt products
    We offer you strategic legal-financial advice for your company, not only in national operations but also cross-border


      "We know the debt market and we work to provide our clients with the most efficient strategies that allow them to optimize their financial structures in a sustainable way in the long term".

      Carlos Asensio
      Debt and Restructuring Advisory Partner

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